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Jolly Spiffin! Another holiday tomorrow. Well it would be Jolly Spiffin if I could still get the same dosh, being self-employed however, I don't have that privilege. Still, it's nice to have a lie-in and to be able to Psht! (sound of gas escaping rapidly whilst bottle cap is removed), and say "Bar's Open!" at around 11.15 am. I miss the old beach sometimes, it was Psht! Bar's Open! at around 9 am when at the beach.

Despite the lack of study in the field of poetry fuck up, I still hold a faint hope of being called for the Master's selection interview, optimistic creeture that I am. My question now is, what am I going to concentrate on for a dissertation? I thought about something on Dylan Thomas, I love Under Milk Wood (Get THAT on yer list Helô!). Whatever, now I'm free of obligatory reading, I'm getting around to other stuff and I'm starting with Middlemarch and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (actually, A Commentary on... ), the former because it's been in my collection staring at me for years and yearning to be read and the latter because I'm doing a long-term accompanied translation (meaning accompanied by the author himself, er...not Kant) of an essay on the subject. Mightily interesting stuff but blastidely complicated.

Horrocks, I've drunk a litre of vile red wine and I'm off to bed.


Helô said...

A liter of vile red wine - I can't possibly imagine what this is! Never despair, my dear friend, help is on the way: translation starts today, you'll soon be getting texts to correct and payment will be, as agreed, in form of beautiful bottles of delicious white, rosé or red Pizzato wine!

Helô said...

"a liter", bollocks. sorry for that.