It's unbelievable how many CRAP drivers are here, I've been here 16 years and it still gets on my FUCKING NERVES, here's a message to Porto Alegre drivers incase you didn't quite understand the heavy irony here:

USE YOUR FRIKKIN' INDICATOR FOR FREAKS SAKE!! IT LETS OTHER DRIVERS KNOW OF YOUR INTENTIONS! You know, it's that little lever thing at the side of the steering wheel? And when someone IS indicating to come in - LET THEM IN FOR FUCK'S SAKE! It means they want to or NEED to come in, it DOES NOT mean that you have to accelerate in order NOT for them to come in!

Use seu sinalizador!! Isso avisa outros motoristas das suas intenções, sabia?! E, quando alguem está usando a pisca-pisca, significa que querem ou precisam entrar!! Não significa que você tem que acelerar para não deixar eles entram!! Fuck! E sei que meu português escrito não está o melhor, mas isso não causa acidentes de trânsito!


Helô said...

I've read this one already for the nth time. Are you bloody busy with classes or with Angelita?
big kiss from the wine country (having the time of my life at Pizzato's:))

Alan said...
