Gringos always whinge about Brazilian stuff. I have a good whinge once in a while (quite frequently infact) which prompts the Good Lady to say, "So what the fuck are you doing here? Why don't you get the fuck back to Aberbachgenbach and get a job THERE?". Can't, Maggie closed the mine down over twenty year ago. She has a point though (the Good Lady, I mean, not the Iron Lady), 15 years and I'm still complaining about the driving. Point of the matter is, the Brazilians don't know how to make: Good Beer, Good Cheese, Good Tea, Good Sliced Bread (bread rolls and stuff are very good, but sliced white bread, forget it). That's not quite fair, there are some good local beers and cheese but a lot more expensive. Tea - not a chance. It's some kind of acceptable brew that one can drink with a dash of milk and sugar but it doesn't taste quite like tea somehow. As for the commercial beers, YURGLE! The Brazilians like the beer ice cold - it kills the taste.
Mind you, I expect the Gaúchos in Cardiff will be saying, "Bloody Welsh, don't have decent meat for barbies", now that's the GOOD stuff - Barbies, the meat is lovely and cheap, that's two adjectives not an adverb and an adjective.

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