Lots of lovely coloured writing

I SEE thousands of millions of people worldwide are voting in the Welsh Blog Awards, I've got 2 ! (uhm, that's TWO, not TWO thousand million) votes, there's a huge possibility that I could be the winner of this. Fame, fortune and naked wimmin will surely follow.

Amongst the blurb on the BBC site there is the following to make us wonder what a weird/crap/stupid world we have:

(BBC) The ancient Silk Road route city of Samarkand "celebrating" it's 2750th anniversary with fireworks and dance. " ... Uzbek President Karimov invited 400 officials, diplomats and UNESCO representatives, however, "... the PUBLIC WAS BANNED FROM ATTENDING THE CELEBRATIONS, with security police lining Registan for the occasion" (my caps and red)

"When we say Samarkand we imagine a beautiful and great city which enchants the soul of any person ... this is a city which you see once and dream to see again," said the president.

Let's all go to Samarkand for our Summer Holidays. NOT!

(BBC). BALLS with Allah, have sparked protests.

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