Long Haired Freaky People Need Apply ..... NOT!

The Date is Set. After 4th of September I shall no longer be able to produce offspring. Should I really go through with this? Yes! After a fun experience yesterday, me and the Good Lady in one room, the kids in another room and the rubber things in yet another room.

I watched Borat. How can a 'humour specialist, public speaking coach' explain what he calls a 'not joke'? For starty farties it's not a joke as such. And the way he tried to explain it was appalling. "Let's say your suit is not grey but blue, then I say "Your suit is blue ..... NOT!". What the fuck? Borat's handling of the crap was great. The so called 'not joke' (that's NOT a joke - or maybe, that's a joke ... NOT!) , perhaps developed as a way of shoving irony in the face of people who don't understand it much (i.e. Americans, Ooohh that should scrungle a few ronkles).

Shite, I've run out of beer. Well I guess I drink too much anyway.



Anonymous said...

Kowing you as I do, I very much doubt that your ability to reproduce will affect your desire to try.............

And as for Tara Tainton........don't get me started.......

This is not the end, nor even the beginning of the end, it's simply the end of the beginning.

I don't know the collective noun for hermits - but I do believe that it is a "wallet" of spec-ops..


Alan said...

Eh? Sliderule44, Hello who the figgin's are you? An ex-spec op?