Do not go Gentle

Due to an increasing pressure from thousands of my readers from all corners of the globe, I have been compelled into returning to the blogosphere and getting some crap written. Truth is, I've been busy in all manner of ways, hot sex for hours on end not being the least.

Ah well, Wales are out. As an ex-rugby player me-self (Aberbachgenbach Comprehensive, Wednesday's P.T. lesson, 1976 - 1979), I can say that we played pretty well against the Might of the South Pacific. Certainly two of the best tries I've seen during this Cup. Mind you I haven't been watching a lot of games, haven't got the right tv channel for it, so off I pops down Ian the Oz's place, where we drink large quantities of FBA and eat immense bowls of salty munchie things while yelling at the fifteen and the blind ref. The Wales v. Fiji game was shown only yesterday, Sunday, the day after the actual match so I had to try and avoid seeing or hearing the result on Saturday. I failed miserably after a short time when I double clicked on the wee Mozilla Firefox icon and realized too late that I had forgot to change my default site - BBC news, and there it was in huge glaring headlines, FIJI SEND WALES HOME!! With the score beneath. When I got to Ian the Oz's I had to confess to him that I had already seen the result but that I would not reveal it to him (or the result WHAAA!) . I grinned a lot and he thought that Wales had won, only discovering the truth in the last few minutes of the match, yes it was THAT close!

I'm still highly pissed off with Brazilian drivers. Yesterday I was at a traffic light in the left lane, indicating and waiting to turn left (for all my millions of readers in Britain and Japan, don't forget, here we drive on the wrong side), when a taxi driver pulled up on my right. When the light changed he also came around me to turn left (also without indicating) , when I passed him later I gave a traditional Celtic Warcry of "ARSESHOLE!" and an appropriate two fingered gesture reminding him that Welsh longbowmen were never captured at the Battle of Agincourt.

That's it, I'm off for some Hot Sex.

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