I'd better get something written before my millions of fans worldwide begin to complain.

The Masters degree selection test is in just 3 weeks and I'm still supposed to have read all the theory books by then. Truth is I won't have time, in fact I won't even HAVE the books to read, except one which I've already started, but suspended for the time being in order to finish Erico Verissimo's Incidente em Antares, which I'm finding quite amusing. After Incidente I will have read all of the novels: Eça de Queirós, A Capital!, (NOT to be confused with Groucho Marx's work, The Principal City of the Country!!); Lúcio Cardoso, Crônica de uma Casa Assasinada, and Paul Auster, New York Trilogy. I've also yet to read Hamlet, and on the list is Oedipus the King, which I read about a zillion times when I was doing my final paper, so I may just skim over that one. Then there's the 3 poets. I'll just read up some stuff of theirs on internet. So without the theory, when it comes to the test I'll have to waffle my way through the questions, trying to remember what I learned in the basic first 6 years of the course. Wish me luck.

Over the past few weekends I've been slipping off to Ian the Oz's place for the rugby, it's been fun, we've drunk huge quantities of beer as I mentioned in the previous post. And yelled a lot. Just next weekend and it'll be over. England and South Africa in the final YARG! If anyone's wondering - I'm supporting the Springboks!

Life in the Great Metropolis of Porto Alegre continues very much the same, there have been no incidents (perhaps in Antares but not at my apartment), for quite some time and I'm hoping it's going to stay that way. Well my bedroom balcony has effectively been turned into a cage, so no-one's getting in there any more. This afternoon I've been summoned to the police station "to be heard as a victim", what that's all about, I shall find out in an hour, can't imagine what it is as they've already had a full statement from me. Unless they've recovered my dvd, in which case I shall have two dvd players. We've had some pretty lousy weekends so no great barbies have been up and coming. In fact it's been pizzing down a lot.

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