Chicken: "book book book booooook", Frog:"read it read it read it"

SO MUCH stuff to read, so little time. I picked up a copy of Don Quixote in English at the Best Bookshop in PoA, however an Argentinean friend of mine insists I MUST read it in the original Spanish. Second hand bookshops seem to exert a strong gravitational pull on me, I was sucked into one the other day and had to buy 2 books, the first of which I liked the title, "O Último Tapir", The Last Tapir. The second, an old (strangely enough there is no publishing date, the publishers are Random House, it looks about 1960's ish) copy of "Plutarch's Lives". Can't read anything I choose yet though until I finish the Master's Degree selection test list, 3 novels (I'm on the third, Crônica da Casa Assassinada), 5 literature theory books and 2 poetry collections by Brazilian poets.

What is the collective noun for Hermits?

1 comment:

Tara Tainton said...

Superb photo of yourself over there in the sidebar, A! Thanks so much for introducing me to your blog and stopping through mine. I miss the international traveling circuit so much... I can't wait to catch up with your blog!
