My bedroom is a cube, one wall of which is a glass sliding door opening to a balcony (3rd floor). My bed is adjacent to this glass door, if I reach out my arm I touch it.

Imagine then my surprise when I awoke from a doze at 11pm to see A PERSON standing there on the balcony. What Larks. See below posts for the history of invasions.
My rage overcame my fear and I believe I momentarily transmogrified into the HULK. Starkering Nekkid, I leapt out of bed screaming Celtic War cries. The person, I guess completely taken by surprise at my reaction, deftly lept over the bars and monkeyed down, jumping the last couple of metres and ran off with my curses heating his arse. Curious neighbours soon appeared, I still naked, "Hi, uhm yes just some guy on my balcony you know, everything okay now". Now before I sleep I shall paint myself blue for the full effect if it should happen again.

As I type there is a small team of workmen soldering bars to the balcony effectively imprisoning me.

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