Unidentifiable Slinky Things
Emotions, blasted things, are something I'm crap at, they fuck around with me like any other person course, but I can never seem to understand feelings or talk about, let alone write them on this blog. Since Christmas I've gone from way low - deep sadness I think it's called, with lots of uncertainty bunged in - to way high, soaring on the wings of them wossname, thingummy flying things.
Well that's enough of emotions (told you I was crap at 'em), in the words of Monty Python: And now for something completely different,
A man with three buttocks.
No sorry, that wasn't it. THIS is it; a mysterious cylindrical container type object, 51 ft long, washed up on a Scottish island shore, the bbc had a follow up story (which they seemed to have pulled now) which claimes to have solved the mystery by identifying the object as a beer fermentation tank from Coors brewery USA. Yeah right! Mystery solved then! - What the fuck is a million gallon beer fermentation tank doing on a Scottish island beach?
Hi Alan -
I wanted to ask you about Porto Alegre. I'm leaving a comment here because I can't find an email contact for you anywhere, and the Porto Alegre blog looks like it's not updated a lot, so... Sorry that this is totally the wrong place, but at the least it looks like you might find it this way.
Anyway -
We'd like to ask your opinion about where is the best nightlife in Southern Brazil at this time of year, i.e. January through March (including the Carnaval). We're 2 couples, ages 25-29, all speak fluent Spanish and decent Portuguese, and we want to rent a place in Southern Brazil and set up for a few weeks wherever is the best nightlife scene.
We're looking for the best overall nightlife scene, a place that has lots of bars and clubs, a good variety of types of places (for example, artsy, fashionista, local bars, rock clubs, mega discotheques, etc, etc), beautiful people, good times... You get the idea! ;-)
(And just to be clear, we definitely want fun, crazy, sexy, exciting good times, but we're not interested in any professional-sex type of nightlife).
I've read through lots of posts on different forums, and I've read your really helpful post about the bar scene in Porto Alegre, and based on all that, it seems that Porto Alegre and Floripa (Florianopolis) offer the best nightlife. So we've focused on those 2 places, but if you think other cities are better, let me know!!
Obviously, the places are different - Floripa has the beaches, Porto Alegre is an industrial city. But we're only focused on nightlife.
So just thinking about nightlife, how would you compare Floripa vs. Porto Alegre? Nightlife? Variety of places? How happening places are? How much of a party scene there is every day, vs. just on weekends? How easy it is to get around at night, bar-hopping? Safety at night?
Reading through different forum posts over the last few years that I've found, I've already seen different opinions that all contradict each other, so you can understand why I'm pretty confused! Some of the things I've read:
-Porto Alegre has the best nightlife in Southern Brazil, the best clubs, the prettiest girls, the best Carnaval.
-Porto Alegre is completely dead from January through March, because everyone leaves the city to go to the beaches.
-Floripa's nightlife is the best nightlife in Southern Brazil because everyone from the area goes there on vacaction.
-Floripa has good nightlife, but it's a real pain to get around because you have to drive so far from one part of the island to another.
-In the past Floripa had great summer nightlife, but it changed and the emphasis now is serving the Argentine vacationing families.
What do you think? How true is any of that? What's your opinion?
You're clearly an expert on Porto Alegre, Southern Brasil, and nightlife/good times, so I'd definitely appreciate any and all comments that you might be able to offer!!
Thanks a lot! Muito obrigado!!
* Peter
(you can reach me at:
cyancandle at gmail.com )
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
LOL.. your ups and downs sound just like me sometimes =/
God, just got the result from Ufrgs and i didn't pass.. sigh.. no sweat, there is more to it than meets the eye.. i've been there and i know. But, even though i went though minor surgery at the hospital Saturday morning and was in pain i went and did the first exam which was on grammar in a foreign language classroom..
I haven't spoen to my advisor yet, but will and wanna mention the this yrs entrance exams.. maybe we can meet for lunch or tea ;)
Hugss dear friend !
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