Well Shiver me Timberlakes, Justin (who he?), it's been many a moon since the last News from a Welshman in Brazil. May has passed without great incident, the Annual Barbie was, once again a Huge Success. Amongst other distinguished guests, in attendance this year, fewer by number, the German Fella, Ian and his Good Lady and, Arriving Late in Time to Save a Drowning Witch, Sergio, the Musical Porteño, we embraced but refrained from kissing. Highlight of the evening was a superb (though I must add, very drunken) rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, particularly striking, the GALILEO galileo GALILEO galileo GALILEO figaro magnifico co co co. and on a personal note, I rather liked also the scaramouche scaramouche, will you do the fandango. Very impressive indeed. Thunder Bolts and Lightening, etc., etc.

A big HURRAH for Mrs Jean Richards and an almighty HISSABOO for the Australian stadium officials. Mrs Jean, may Belenus bless her, was chucked out of the stadium during a Wales / Australia test match (rugby, me little fried noodles, not creqwuet) for leaving her seat and dancing with a Wallabee. When I went to see Wales/Argentina a few years ago (with Sergio the Musical Porteño, see above) in Good Airs, I was sorely tempted to dance with a puma but thought better of me actions and settled for Shouting a Lot and quaffing vast quantities of Guinness in The Druid Inn that night with few hundred other Welsh fans. Very memorable (actually, can't remember much of it at all).

They told me Brazil was a tropical country! Bloody Freezing today! 3 degrees C, brass bloody monkeys etc. Problem is, the hardy Gaúchos don't bother with central heating when they build houses and flats, they still think it's a tropical country.

From being abjectly poor in Jan and Feb, I find myself with Loadsadosh right now in the middle of the year, I've bought me a TV and DVD and spend weekends watching Hollywood's Latest Crap, mind to Jelly? Well not really, I'm being selective. Any suggestions for Welsh Films? Probably impossible to get in the rental shops here however.

And as a preventative of Mind to Jelly, I'm reading the best in Portuguese / Brazilian literature. I have a list of books, novels, plays, poetry and theoretical stuff, to read up for the Master's degree selection test in October. Eça de Queroz is highly recommendable, not sure if there are any English translations available. Also on the list is Hamlet and Oedipus Rex, which is a good thing as I can read Ham in English and I read Oed about a zillion times when I was researching for my final paper. With those two on the list guaranteed one of the questions will be "What's the difference between Shakespearian Tragedy and Greek Tragedy?". I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW! Please Miss, ask me!

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