As I Walked Out On a Summer's Day

I WUZ IN THE supermarket today, buying lunch - beer and meat, when at the beer shelves an old lady was a little indecisive in her choice and seeing me without hesitation directly grabbing a slab of my preferred Fine Brazilian Ale asked, "What is the beer we have to drink in the Winter, Kaiser Gold?", "No dear" I replied, "That would be Kaiser Bock". What the hell, drink any figgin' beer you want in the Winter. The wonders of modern advertizing.

AS MY REGULAR READERS (all 3 of 'em) know, I don't have a TV but occasionally my son brings his over for the weekend and I regress to vegetal state watching Sunday afternoon programmes. The other day on click went the box and what! I was instantly transported back to my wee childhood days a few million years ago - "BILL AND BEN THE FLOWER POT MEN" !!! Only it like wasn't the Bill and Ben that I used to know, there were no strings holding them up, though they still said "FLOBALOBALOB" only in Portuguese, and Weed also said "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED" also dubbed. Perhaps "regress" wasn't the right verb to use there, implies I was a vegetable before, well maybe I was.

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