It's unbelievable how many CRAP drivers are here, I've been here 16 years and it still gets on my FUCKING NERVES, here's a message to Porto Alegre drivers incase you didn't quite understand the heavy irony here:
USE YOUR FRIKKIN' INDICATOR FOR FREAKS SAKE!! IT LETS OTHER DRIVERS KNOW OF YOUR INTENTIONS! You know, it's that little lever thing at the side of the steering wheel? And when someone IS indicating to come in - LET THEM IN FOR FUCK'S SAKE! It means they want to or NEED to come in, it DOES NOT mean that you have to accelerate in order NOT for them to come in!
Use seu sinalizador!! Isso avisa outros motoristas das suas intenções, sabia?! E, quando alguem está usando a pisca-pisca, significa que querem ou precisam entrar!! Não significa que você tem que acelerar para não deixar eles entram!! Fuck! E sei que meu português escrito não está o melhor, mas isso não causa acidentes de trânsito!
Gringos always whinge about Brazilian stuff. I have a good whinge once in a while (quite frequently infact) which prompts the Good Lady to say, "So what the fuck are you doing here? Why don't you get the fuck back to Aberbachgenbach and get a job THERE?". Can't, Maggie closed the mine down over twenty year ago. She has a point though (the Good Lady, I mean, not the Iron Lady), 15 years and I'm still complaining about the driving. Point of the matter is, the Brazilians don't know how to make: Good Beer, Good Cheese, Good Tea, Good Sliced Bread (bread rolls and stuff are very good, but sliced white bread, forget it). That's not quite fair, there are some good local beers and cheese but a lot more expensive. Tea - not a chance. It's some kind of acceptable brew that one can drink with a dash of milk and sugar but it doesn't taste quite like tea somehow. As for the commercial beers, YURGLE! The Brazilians like the beer ice cold - it kills the taste.
Mind you, I expect the Gaúchos in Cardiff will be saying, "Bloody Welsh, don't have decent meat for barbies", now that's the GOOD stuff - Barbies, the meat is lovely and cheap, that's two adjectives not an adverb and an adjective.
Lots of lovely coloured writing
I SEE thousands of millions of people worldwide are voting in the Welsh Blog Awards, I've got 2 ! (uhm, that's TWO, not TWO thousand million) votes, there's a huge possibility that I could be the winner of this. Fame, fortune and naked wimmin will surely follow.
Amongst the blurb on the BBC site there is the following to make us wonder what a weird/crap/stupid world we have:
(BBC) The ancient Silk Road route city of Samarkand "celebrating" it's 2750th anniversary with fireworks and dance. " ... Uzbek President Karimov invited 400 officials, diplomats and UNESCO representatives, however, "... the PUBLIC WAS BANNED FROM ATTENDING THE CELEBRATIONS, with security police lining Registan for the occasion" (my caps and red)
"When we say Samarkand we imagine a beautiful and great city which enchants the soul of any person ... this is a city which you see once and dream to see again," said the president.
Let's all go to Samarkand for our Summer Holidays. NOT!
(BBC). BALLS with Allah, have sparked protests.
Jolly Spiffin'! I'm being voted for in the Welsh Blog Awards! TWO wonderful people out there somewhere have voted for ME! Ithankyousomuch. Annie'll probably run away with the votes, she's in most of the categories too.
Can't think of any more crap to write. Hope ye's all keeping up with the Best Alternative Places to Drink Beer, suggestions please, I'm not going to do this all one my ownses, nobody so far has nominated The Prancing Pony in Bree, yer buggers! Guess I'll have to do it meself.
Come on - votes votes votes!
Uhm... what do I win if I get voted Best (personal) Welsh Blog?
Long Haired Freaky People Need Apply ..... NOT!
The Date is Set. After 4th of September I shall no longer be able to produce offspring. Should I really go through with this? Yes! After a fun experience yesterday, me and the Good Lady in one room, the kids in another room and the rubber things in yet another room.
I watched Borat. How can a 'humour specialist, public speaking coach' explain what he calls a 'not joke'? For starty farties it's not a joke as such. And the way he tried to explain it was appalling. "Let's say your suit is not grey but blue, then I say "Your suit is blue ..... NOT!". What the fuck? Borat's handling of the crap was great. The so called 'not joke' (that's NOT a joke - or maybe, that's a joke ... NOT!) , perhaps developed as a way of shoving irony in the face of people who don't understand it much (i.e. Americans, Ooohh that should scrungle a few ronkles).
Shite, I've run out of beer. Well I guess I drink too much anyway.
Chicken: "book book book booooook", Frog:"read it read it read it"
SO MUCH stuff to read, so little time. I picked up a copy of Don Quixote in English at the Best Bookshop in PoA, however an Argentinean friend of mine insists I MUST read it in the original Spanish. Second hand bookshops seem to exert a strong gravitational pull on me, I was sucked into one the other day and had to buy 2 books, the first of which I liked the title, "O Último Tapir", The Last Tapir. The second, an old (strangely enough there is no publishing date, the publishers are Random House, it looks about 1960's ish) copy of "Plutarch's Lives". Can't read anything I choose yet though until I finish the Master's Degree selection test list, 3 novels (I'm on the third, Crônica da Casa Assassinada), 5 literature theory books and 2 poetry collections by Brazilian poets.
What is the collective noun for Hermits?