Nantucket Sleigh Ride

A good decision to switch to Herman. A very humorously written first few chapters so far. Literary critisism analysts of the Freudian school doubtless have fun over this book, aside from the overtness of sleeping with the Indian Queequeg, it's full of symbolism: Queequeg and his harpoon, The Spouter Inn, hmmm...

"Landlord! I've changed my mind about that harpooner, I shan't sleep with him."! I can quite categorically say that I would also refuse to sleep with a male six foot ten Amer-Indian harpooner who spends most of the night selling shrunken heads. However, the only other choice being a draughty hard wooden bench, poor Ishmael ends up in bed with the harpooner, "Upon waking next morning about daylight, I found Queequeg's arm thrown over me in the most loving and affectionate manner." YOINKS! What passed during the night, Ishmael does not tell. These sailor boys...

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