The weather again??? Nuffin' else to Blog about apparently

This was Sunday:

And this was Monday:

Isn't it supposed to gradually over a few weeks get warmer to colder? Wait a minute... that's going from Summer to Winter, we're almost at the end of Winter, so we're supposed to be going from Winter to Spring... fekkit! Upsidedowny extreme weather! Not only has it gone the wrong way, it's gone the wrong way in one day!

That was one mutha of a split infinitive.


Geotacs said...

weather, weather, weather...

they can be so unpredictable...


Sorcerer said...

weather .. its gonna be a winter..
I love those clod fresh morning..
wow!! waiting...for it..a few more weeks!!

Robert said...

Enjoyed the visit, I'm just off down the local (in Cyprus) to watch Wales, Cheers Rob

Anonymous said...

this is Claire! Remember me?? how have you been doing?
I really want to hear from you! Please write to my email:

Raphael Souza said...

Greetings from Brazil!!!!

andy martin said...

I've just moved to Sao Paulo and the change in weather here is nuts. 30c heat & blistering sun then a hale storm!

Anonymous said...

Nev - still out there? Steve O, was in Cy with you.