Unidentifiable stinky things
The Loose-the-Beer-Gut programme is back on track after a few days of non activity (but plenty of beer drinking!), now you may say, in order to loose the beer gut - stop drinking beer! OUT OF THE QUESTION! I now have, as one of my students, the owner of a micro-brewery that produces 3 types of fine quality lagers, all according to the German Purity Law of 1516, no commercial crap. Every week I pick up a 2 litre jug (called a siphon) every Thursday and drop it back, empty, on Tuesday.
I run from my home, down to the riverside and along the river, there and back about 5.6 miles (9kms), it's not the best route, I have to cross a busy road 4 times, I prefer quiet shady parks in leafy suburbs, but ain't got that around about where I live now. On part of the route, the city council made a good job, "parkifying" what used to be a favella along a stretch of the riverside, but it's now neglected and dumbfuck people go there to dump stinking trash. In fact the whole rivershore is choked up with crap and muck and unidentifiable stinky things.
What the fuck?! It's 2008 tomorrow, where did the year go?