Too Much Beer, Not Enough Money

They've got to be frigging joking. Went to PoA's annual Book Fair finally, the best thing (or NOT as the case turns out) about the book fair is sitting in the beer tent drinking beer and being an intellectual after a few cans of FBA. How can you be an intellectual at R$3 A FUCKING CAN!!! That's "Opinião" gente, but it's not my frigging opinion. "Opinião", for those who are not Porto Alegrenses, is a night club/show venue that has the monopoly on selling beer in the beer tent/food hall tent at the book fair. Now if they want to charge 3 REALS at their fucking night club okay, that's their business, rob the clients blind, who wants to be robbed blind will go there and dance their arses off untill 5am. BUT (a HUGE FUCKING ROUND BUT - see previous post there's two of 'em) to come to the book fair a "popular anual event for all walks of life, etc, etc, bulllshit, bullshit, bullshit") and still charge 3 REALS for a can, well they can FUCK OFF! and PoA Prefeitura can also FUCK OFF, shove yer friggin' book fair UP YER ARSE! And if anyone comes to PoA, guys DO NOT GO TO "Opinião" they are, as one might say ROBBING FUCKING BASTARDS!
Seems like PoA's getting worse not better, which was my opinião a few years ago.
I'm getting the fuck outta here.

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