What kind of a country is this? It's all a fucking joke. Angie went for another job...
Single mum, two kids. How much do you need to rent a small flat and survive? I guess around R$1300, minimum. Okay the job was for sales person in a small "esoteric" store in a shopping centre. 4pm - 10pm, 6 days a week, if you work on Sunday, you get Monday off. 36 hours a week. Pay per month - R$400!!! FUCK OFF!!! Come on what the FUCK'S GOING ON??!! This makes me fucking laugh, it's a huge fucking joke. Brazil is a beautiful place to live...BUT!!!
By the way the previous job she went for was similar - administrative assistant in a publishing company... 8 hours a day, 5 days a week....R$500 per month.
On top of getting almost no money, you have to pay for everything because nothing works..
you have to pay for private (if you want good) education for your kids because the education system's CRAP!
You have to pay for health because the public health system's CRAP!
In some places you have to pay for private security patrol because the policing is CRAP!
Taxes? don't talk to me about taxes!
Apart from that it's not to bad living here.
(that should rattle a few cages....Victor?)

Too Much Beer, Not Enough Money

They've got to be frigging joking. Went to PoA's annual Book Fair finally, the best thing (or NOT as the case turns out) about the book fair is sitting in the beer tent drinking beer and being an intellectual after a few cans of FBA. How can you be an intellectual at R$3 A FUCKING CAN!!! That's "Opinião" gente, but it's not my frigging opinion. "Opinião", for those who are not Porto Alegrenses, is a night club/show venue that has the monopoly on selling beer in the beer tent/food hall tent at the book fair. Now if they want to charge 3 REALS at their fucking night club okay, that's their business, rob the clients blind, who wants to be robbed blind will go there and dance their arses off untill 5am. BUT (a HUGE FUCKING ROUND BUT - see previous post there's two of 'em) to come to the book fair a "popular anual event for all walks of life, etc, etc, bulllshit, bullshit, bullshit") and still charge 3 REALS for a can, well they can FUCK OFF! and PoA Prefeitura can also FUCK OFF, shove yer friggin' book fair UP YER ARSE! And if anyone comes to PoA, guys DO NOT GO TO "Opinião" they are, as one might say ROBBING FUCKING BASTARDS!
Seems like PoA's getting worse not better, which was my opinião a few years ago.
I'm getting the fuck outta here.

Too Many Books, Not Enough Beer

Whoa! Too many bums on this page. It's a bum page.
The PoA bianal, I don't know how the fuck it is in English, it happens once every two years anyway - bi annual? But isn't that twice a year? Whatever - it's still on. AND the famous book fair, the city centre's getting quite crowded. Haven't been to the book fair yet but I - WE - have to go. Problem is, it closes up at 9pm, that's totally crap, if I'm working until 7.30 for example, I can pop down there, then by the time I do a quick round of the fair, the bar will already be closing. No idea of planning for fun the PoA city council!
Now this is true - last Friday night's barbie was ruined by PoA's version of Hurricane Katarina, it came right at the end though, so we had to dive for cover and I managed to rescue the last of the meat. Next day we saw that there were serious floods in several areas.
Tomorrow's barbie forecast - not sure, I don't read frikkin newspaper and I don't have a TV.
I am now the Welsh community in PoA after Kim, from Port Talbot, left a couple of months ago to the Land of My Fathers, and hers I suppose. I've declared myself the Welsh Cultural Attaché to PoA. Just gotto let the Welsh assembly know about this so I can start earning my 3,000 GBP per month, lot of events I have to attend you see.