Is it the loneliness of night that makes you reach out and bite...

It's getting tough...over a month with no female company. Dude that's brutality.
I have a lady friend that's possible company for a night, but...
So now I'm back at PUC and it's high summer and delicious girls all around, this is torture.
But she is there, the girl, she knows it, I need patience, delicacy, don't push things too far or too soon. She's got two kids, she's cautious, wary of a relationship.
Just sold the '98 Fiat Palio, split the money with the ex and bought a Fiat Uno '90, great car (NOT!), well it works and I like it, makes a lot of weird noises, shimmies a lot, crunches around the gears, doesn't have a reliable fuel gauge (I keep thinking I've got no petrol, it's unnerving) but it allows me to give a lift to Little Angel after classes (a soppy name I know, but that really is her name, in another language).
Must go.

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