Felicidade again

There have been some very interesting developments.
I feel like a teenager again, only when I was a teenager I didn't have a car, snogging in a car was one of the pleasures I hadn't experienced. Until two nights ago. Snogging on a motorcycle was quite pleasurable but not quite the same thing I guess. In fact, snogging anywhere is quite pleasurable.
Drinking cold FBAs from the bottle neck parked in a side street.
What a fine word, "snogging", a little crass maybe but it describes the activity better than the American "necking", we were certainly using our necks and also much more, maybe "facing" would be a better alternative. "Sucking face" is also a noble expression.
Whatever the expression, we were at it. Not much more, I hasten to add, I still have to take it easy.
A little sexual frustration is the sweetest kind of torture.
People are wondering why I'm going around with a permanent silly grin on my face.
One day I'll get photos and other snazzy stuff on this blog then the whole world will be able to admire and wonder over my remarkable phizzog.
This written during "Basics of Informatics" class at PUC, I'm learning how to navigate on internet! Next week we do microsoft word.


Is it the loneliness of night that makes you reach out and bite...

It's getting tough...over a month with no female company. Dude that's brutality.
I have a lady friend that's possible company for a night, but...
So now I'm back at PUC and it's high summer and delicious girls all around, this is torture.
But she is there, the girl, she knows it, I need patience, delicacy, don't push things too far or too soon. She's got two kids, she's cautious, wary of a relationship.
Just sold the '98 Fiat Palio, split the money with the ex and bought a Fiat Uno '90, great car (NOT!), well it works and I like it, makes a lot of weird noises, shimmies a lot, crunches around the gears, doesn't have a reliable fuel gauge (I keep thinking I've got no petrol, it's unnerving) but it allows me to give a lift to Little Angel after classes (a soppy name I know, but that really is her name, in another language).
Must go.