City of Tiny Lights

I rant periodically about this and get highly irate when a driver passes a red light, which is frequent here, but I can understand very well why it happens. Venice is the City of Canals, Anchorage is the City of Lights (I got this from wiki), Someplace Else (whatthefuck I read it somewhere but forget) is the City of Towers (Seattle? Toronto? Or, apparently, someplace called Sharn on another world), Porto Alegre is the City of Traffic Lights.
I believe there is not one road in PoA without a traffic light at least every 100 yards; and what's more they are synchronized to turn red as you approach. One cannot help accelerating just an incy wincy to get through that red light when you're in a tad of a rush and the previous 3 lights in the past 300 yards turned red in yer face.

10 things and some Nice Photos

It seems that the current craze is listing the ten things one must do before one dies, or the ten books one must read, 10 places one must visit or whatever:
ah well, here's a mixture, sort it out yersel:

1. Stonehenge.
2. Fart Loudly in the Presence of Her Majesty the Queen of England.
3. Make Love in a Tub of Heinz Baked Beans.
4. Make a List of Ten Things You Must Do Before You Die.
5. Charles Palliser's "The Quincunx".
6. Visit Ankh-Morpork on The Discworld and have a few beers in the Broken Drum.
7. Herman Melville's Moby Dick.
8. Terra del Fuego.
9. Dylan Thomas's "Under Milk Wood".
10. Lie Down and Make Sure You Are Very Comfortable.

Bloody hell, took all morning that did.

Look at THIS and click on "more pictures"