Yellow wobbly bits and Midnight Orgies
Shwmai and greetings.
In Porto Alegre if a child dies in a car accident he or she turns into an eternal, white, three-dimensional butterfly. Cute eh?
Should we eat the juicy yellow wobbly bits that come with barbied meat? I´ve been banned from doing so, but sometimes I just can´t resist.
Samhain again, I shall be conducting my usual mid-night naked dancing and orgies. Any volunteers? Trick or Treat? Sweets?? BAH! HUMBUG! Samhain is all about naked dancing and orgies. One must celebrate the freedom of the spirit world and give thanks to our ancient gods and goddesses, and one cannot adequately do so dressed as Micky Mouse.
Candles are optional.
"King" Arturius, Brian Boru, Llywelyn Fawr. What was the common factor between them? YES, they all ate the yellow wobbly bits of barbied meat. THAT´S how they were able to unite the conflicting tribes to fight against the common enemy - BIN LADEN! Wait a min. I think I´m confusing my history lessons here.
In that order, chronologically and respectively.
On the same subject, I recommend, nay I STRONGLY advise my readers and fans NOT to go see the latest "King Arthur" film - totally crap believe me. Gwenhwyfar - that´s wee Guinevere for the Saesson - is a hot little number though, maybe it´s worth seeing the film just for her. It´s cute the way the Celtic warrior women squashed their breasts flat in order to fire the bow and wield a short sword, all those leather straps PHWOOOOERRR!! Better´n cutting ´em off like the Amazons did. Who the hell were the WOADS?? Do we not know them as Picts? Did the Saesson land with an army North of the Hadrian´s wall? I´ll have to consult my Simon Schama but I think NOT.
I have to go.