Here's a story about Brazilian immigrants in Japan, this caught my eye:
But rows over things like loud music, parking spaces and rubbish are daily causes of friction. "Their culture and customs are different," says Ms Murakami. "Japan has various rules and they don't know the rules, so this leads to tensions."
The Japanese probably have the same kind of discipline as the Anglo-Saxons when it comes to parking, i.e. park in neat STRAIGHT rows, BETWEEN and equidistant from each of the delimiting lines, as opposed to the leave-your-car-where-it-stops attitude of a lot of Brazilians, thus effectively limiting the adjacent space or even using up two spaces. I think us Celts have been so dominated by the Saeson over the few hundred years that we've adopted the same attitudes, at least I can never remember seeing a wonkily parked car in Aberbachgenbach.
I'm finding Middlemarch a pleasant read; like most Victorian novels it's chugging along at a steady rate, family matters, is young Miss Pumplewinkie suitable to marry Mr. Shlartinfrump, etcetera, etcetera, with sex and drugs and rock and roll just under the surface.
[Mr. Ladislaw] was not excessively fond of wine, but he had several times taken too much, simply as an experiment in that form of ecstasy (...) he had made himself ill with doses of opium.
Mr. Ladislaw should also try BEER as a form of ecstasy and perhaps smoke some weeed instead of that opium crap. Yes, Helô, I know, wine works just as fine, but you can't beat beer with a big stick when it comes to hot summer days.
As I have now seen The Secret, I just know I'm going to have LOADSA DOSH! During the summer months. As a consequence of this totally expected, but I don't know the fuck how, sudden immense wealth, I and the good lady shall be jetting off to a secluded Carribbean isle. Or perhaps we'll go camping somewhere in the hills near PoA. Maybe Colina do Sol.
SEE what happens when you start buggering about with the font size??