
THAT'S IT OVER for another 4 years then. The green and yellow that covered PoA over the past two months has completely disappeared overnight, no-one's speaking much about football these days.

NOTICE TO the PoA motorist!
Attention drivers of Porto Alegre! How to make the most of your motor vehicle and make driving a pleasure for yourself and other road users. Some advice and tips:

1. Please be aware that your motor vehicle is equipped with a small lever device, usually fixed around or near the steering wheel. On operating this lever (by a deft flicking up or down action with the hand)a small orange light on the front and rear of your motor vehicle, either the left or the right, will begin to flash intermittently.
And what is the purpose of this? You may ask.
Excellent observation, for this intermittent flashing light will actually ADVISE OTHER ROAD USERS OF YOUR MANOEUVERING INTENTIONS! Isn't that just incredible?! We are assuming here of course that you are aware that there ARE OTHER ROAD USERS.
It's a good idea then, when operating this INDICATOR (for that is what the device is called), to LOOK IN YOUR MIRROR, to see if there are any other road users approaching from behind before carrying out the manoeuver.
We are aware that some of you have already discovered this device, however we advise that it should be actioned AT LEAST 75 METRES BEFORE THE INTENDED MANOEUVER AND NOT AT THE MOMENT OF THE MANOEUVER ITSELF.
When observing this intermittent flashing light of a vehicle ahead of yours this means that the vehicle intends to MOVE INTO YOUR LANE or TURN LEFT OR RIGHT according to what side the flashing light is on. If you observe this then it is essential to GIVE THAT VEHICLE SPACE IN WHICH TO MANOEUVER and NOT ACCELERATE TO PASS THAT VEHICLE, which brings us to point,
2. You don't really HAVE TO pass that vehicle in front of you. No, really! He won't think bad of you if you stay behind. Despite what you may think, it is NOT WRITTEN IN THE LAW that you have to pass every vehicle in front of you. You may notice that in passing a vehicle, after perhaps a 100 metres or so, you will come across a RED TRAFFIC LIGHT (see next point), and that vehicle will soon be behind or alongside you. You are not Ayrton Senna.
3. A traffic light, when changing from orange to red actually, believe it or not, means YOU HAVE TO STOP, and NOT ACCELERATE TO PASS.

and finally:

The size of you vehicle does not determine your priority on a public road. That means - IF YOU GOT A BIG 'UN YOU'RE REALLY NO BETTER THAN THE REST OF US!
(John Holmes and Ron Jeremy, on their salaries, could argue that point)