The Dickwick Papers OR A Tale of Two Titties OR...
I TYPED "fucking weird stuff" in the address bar of my Mozilla Firefox navigator and it came back with a page on the Wizard of Oz!
"She touched his organ, and from that bright epoch, even it, the old companion of his happiest hours, incapable as he had thought of elevation, began a new and deified existence.".
None other than Charles Dickens! Move over D.H. Lawrence.
SO WHILE ON CHARLES I did some delving and found some other gems:
"The sergeant was describing a military life. It was all drinking, he said, except that there were frequent intervals of eating and love making."
I, having served 11 years in Her Majesties Daft and Barmy, couldn't agree more.
"A person who can't pay gets another person who can't pay to guarantee that he can pay. Like a person with two wooden legs getting another person with two wooden legs to guarantee that he has got two natural legs. It don't make either of them able to do a walking-match."
Sounds like Brazilian negociations.
"Bring in the bottled lightning, a clean tumbler, and a corkscrew."
At once!
"Well, then, when you tumbled upstairs, I was romping with the girls. In point of fact, we were playing at Puss in the Corner."
This followed by Hide the Sausage no doubt.
Victorian London was such larks!
I wonder if my organ will begin a new and deified existence tonight.