BewAre thE JaBBerwoK, meu Filho!

I copied these quotes and the photo direct from the BBC website news story, it wasn't the story itself that caught my attention...

"An international manhunt is under way for Rahan Arshad, who is believed to be the husband and father of the victims.
The 36-year-old's BMW 320 diesel car has been found at Heathrow Airport."

"...Mr Arshad, a local taxi driver.." (my italics and bold)

Am I missing something here?? Should I move back to Britain immediately and get a job maybe as a pizza delivery boy and buy a mansion in the South of France??

Drinking Beer Is As Drinking Beer Does

Technology has changed my life... a mobile phone with a digital camera has enabled my amazingly beautiful fizzog to be transmitted to millions of bleaders (I have just at this very moment invented that word, thank you very much, it's Blog Readers, when it gets into the Oxford Dictionary in 5 years please remember this post, I WANT CREDIT!)

The lovely lady stuck onto my face is the famous Angie.


Why are we subjected to crap? Do we have to put up with it? The answer of course is YES, we put up with it or switch off the TV or get out of society and live in a cave in the Himalayas somewhere.

What am I talking about? Election time, actually the general elections, we're going to vote for a new President of Brazil, actually I'm not going to vote, not being a citizen with citizen's rights and all that (got a permanent visa though), on the 1st of Oct. the camaigning starts NOW however.

It means...8pm everynight, politicians bullshitting on TV. ON EVERY CHANNEL THE SAME CRAP (unless of course one is priveleged enough to have cable or satellite). Switch off.

It means... trucks going around laden with loud speakers and amplified sound blaring, and I mean BLARING! out a jazzy catchy tune about how beautiful our country will be, without crime, with low taxes, with jobs for everyone, with marvelous free education for our children, if you vote for Senator Presidential Candidate Joaquim Fartbumph da Silva. If we do a quick survey, could we say that anyone actually likes those loud speaker trucks? I think on a popularity scale they would get a big ZERO, can you imagine anyone answering that question with; "Oh yes, I quite like that truck passing in front of my house twice a day, it's a nice tune, I think I'll buy the CD" NOT!! Then why the FUCK are they allowed???

It means... thousands upon thousands of plastic posters and banners showing the face of Senator Presidential Candidate Joaquim Fartbumph da Silva with his huge plastic smile littering the streets. Again...quick know the question...SO WHY THE FUCK IS IT ALLOWED, AGAIN???

It means...crowds of people waving huge coloured flags at every crossroads and cars beeping in support as they drive through. Get a life PLEASE!

That's it.

THIS HAS BEEN one of those bizarre Winters that hasn't really been a Winter. Way down in the South of Brazil, situated as we are, we're supposed to get some form of cold weather that should in theory start about June and go right on through Septemberish. Not so. Okay, so there were a couple of days cold enough to justify the use of my very-expensive-to-run electric oil filled radiator. I have to get up 15 mins before getting-up time in order to switch the radiator on in the bathroom. Damn thing takes that long to warm up the tiny room. Those days were few. Now in the middle of August and I've put it away in the spare room and I'm doing barbies every weekend again. Again no, I haven't really stopped doing barbies every weekend.

BARDO WAS HERE Saturday, I called him up at 1pm, well into lunch time, and told him I already had a couple of chunks of dead animal over the hot coals. I'd just put the phone on the hook when he was at the door. I had to go to the supermarket at around 5pm to top up on meat, beer and charcoal. Salad? What's that? We got through three slabs of beer anyway. I was half expecting to get The Nasty Bug (about 6 foot 6, 6 legs, multiprismed eyes and punches you in the face without provocation) that had gone through Angie's family from Monday to Friday, one each day. I did get a little squeezy in the early hours of Sunday morning but I put that down to the beer, Fine Brazilian Ale always makes me a little squeezy wheezy after twenty or so. Anyway Sunday I was fine, no Nasty Bug and I was back on the FBA by lunchtime.

MY DAD WOULD BE down The Ivor, now "Y Ddrainog" (NOT I must stress any relation to Y Ddraig Goch, different bicho) at midday on the dot every Sunday, I try to keep up the tradition from afar, at 12 it's "bar's open" PSHHHHT! He refuses to go there nowadays on account of "the pricks present", you'd have to understand a little Welsh in order to get that one.